Becoming a Wisdom Channel

Published: March 29, 2019, 4:07 p.m.



Everyone has intuitive abilities and spirit guides; Learn how to connect with your guides and step out of the way; Move from automatic writing to becoming a verbal channel; Different ways intuition shows up; How channeled wisdom can be received.



Creating a joyful existence, living from the heart, listening to intuition, trusting the Universe. Creating your path in alignment with soul purpose.  How self-doubt or being a people-pleaser can knock you off your path. 



Meet Olwen Jennings, who is a conduit for the Meta Collective. Olwen shares a message on how we can become a channel for more joy in our lives.  


Visit Olwen at, on Facebook at, on Instagram at



Thanks for listening to this episode of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. Please support us by following and spreading the word! You\\u2019ll find us on Youtube and on at Facebook.  Our mission is to encourage you to think outside the box, to expand your horizons and open your mind to new perspectives and possibilities. We delve into spirituality, the world of energy thought, intuition, manifestation, consciousness, alternative healing, and more. If you enjoyed this conversation and wish to support our podcast, contributions (any amount) can be made to Thank you! We appreciate all donations.



You\\u2019ll find Linda at where you can pick up your free ebook, Learning to Listen. On Facebook at

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