EUVC #266: Tom McGinn, General Counsel at Northzone on building high-functioning startup boards

Published: Jan. 4, 2024, 6:51 a.m.

b'Today we have Tom McGinn with us. Tom is the General Counsel of Northzone, a multi-stage venture fund with offices in London, Stockholm, NYC, Amsterdam and Berlin, that invests from seed to growth across Europe and the US.

Northzone closed a EUR 1 billion fund last year and has backed over 100 companies, including Spotify, Personio & Spring Health. Tom joined Northzone in 2021 from Cooley where he helped get the emerging companies team in Europe off the ground.

Watch the full interview on \\U0001f440 and read our core learnings \\U0001f9e0

00:00:00 - Introduction and Guest Introduction
00:03:09 - Lessons Learned from a Startup Experience
00:06:23 - European Approach to Advising High Growth Companies
00:09:34 - The Future of AI in the Legal Space
00:12:37 - The Difficulty of Reversing Company Negativity
00:15:41 - Building a High-Functioning Board
00:18:33 - The Value and Potential Destruction of Board Members
00:21:32 - Founders Treating the Board as Employees
00:24:25 - Awareness of Misalignment
00:27:38 - Strategic alignment and good cultural fit
00:30:36 - Managing Investor Departures
00:33:49 - Exceptional Leadership and Shoutouts to Female Founders
00:36:56 - Key Learnings for Founders
00:40:12 - Misalignment and liquidation preference
00:43:15 - Management Carve Out and Incentivization
00:46:36 - Tips for Emerging VCs
00:48:54 - Professionalism Amidst Technical Difficulties
00:49:29 - Europe as a model for the world\'s new beginnings'