#44 Al Ramadan, PlayBigger

Published: Jan. 18, 2022, 6 a.m.

b"We're joined by the famed Al Ramadan, author of the seminal book \\u201cPlay bigger: how pirates dreamers and innovators create and dominate markets\\u201d which first introduced Category Design to the world. The book has since sold more than one hundred thousand copies and been heralded by people like Marc Benioff of SalesForce and Jim Goetz of Sequoia. We\\u2019re diving deep on category design, how it has evolved since inception in 2016 and how it\\u2019s being applied by forward thinking VCs throughout Silicon Valley and the world.

In this episode you\\u2019ll learn:

\\u2013 What is Category Design and why it\\u2019s so central to creating the major outcomes we\\u2019re all chasing in VC

- What Al Ramadan would wish he had done differently when first launching the book and category of \\u201ccategory design\\u201d

- How some of the best VCs employ category design in their work with startups

- What\\u2019s next for the category of \\u201ccategory design\\u201d and what we should be keeping our eyes peeled for."