#125 John Dutton, World Economic Forum, & Sandra Osborne Kartt, ImpactAssets

Published: Nov. 3, 2022, 5:30 a.m.

b"Today's episode is a special one, as we are happy to welcome John Dutton, Head of UpLink at the World Economic Forum, as our co-host. John will tell you all about the Innovative Funds for our Future. And as our guest, we welcome Sandra Osborne Kartt, Managing Director of Investments at ImpactAssets.

\\u2013 A rare peak into how the WEF\\u2019s Uplink supports the VC ecosystem

\\u2013 How Sandra as an important LP in multiple climate funds thinks about their investments

\\u2013 How the funds were selected for the Innovative Funds Program and what's to come

\\u2013 An opinionated but loving run-through of the selected funds by Andreas, John and Sandra"