2023 Summer Song Series #3 - Disfruta La Fruta!

Published: July 10, 2023, 10 a.m.


As independent educational artists, we depend on your support to keep our show going! \\xa0For only $2 per month, you can receive all of the Eat Your Spanish song downloads along with a personal shoutout on the show! \\xa0And for $5 you\'ll receive bonus worksheets and learning activities that coincide with the themes of the different episodes! \\xa0You can have a look for yourself at www.Patreon.com/EatYourSpanish. \\xa0It\'s easy to join, and would mean the world to us. \\xa0Thank you for helping us keep our program on the air!



Download the 2023 Spanish Summer Song Playlist Below!



Spotify -\\xa0https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3SZm5sf5Aw95xKFjWYAxvE?si=TRJ2t5D7SpCjjpWrRpvQNQ



Apple Music -\\xa0https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/eat-your-spanish-summer-song-playlist-2023/pl.u-gxblkoxsE3De4B

