774. Own Your Day: Tips to Disrupt Your Self-Sabotaging Patterns

Published: Sept. 1, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'In This Episode You Will Learn About:\\n Identifying triggers and choosing not to react\\n When you need to react fast or slow\\n Examining our internal stories\\n Hooking into what you want\\n \\xa0\\n Resources:\\n Text \\u201cPODCAST\\u201d to 310-496-8363 to get your questions answered on our Q&A segment or get coached on the show!\\n \\xa0\\n Show Notes:\\n Depending on your relationship with your family, seeing them can bring up a mixed bag of emotions, both positive and negative. It\\u2019s a massive trigger that can resurface some old tendencies that you\\u2019ve been trying to shed. I\\u2019m going to talk about all of the triggers that come up in life, how we react to them, and how we can break free from those self-sabotaging feedback loops.'