353: How did you find a partner who was aligned with you?

Published: April 10, 2019, 8 a.m.

b'In This Episode You Will Learn About:\\n Stopping being a pushover\\n Balancing goals but letting go of the outcome\\n Finding a partner that you align with\\n \\xa0\\n Resources:\\n The Bliss Project 2020\\n Read: The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor\\n \\xa0\\n Show Notes\\n Time for another Q&A Day with me and Evans! Listen in as we answer questions that you have sent in, and hear our favorite quotes of the moment! Listen in as we answer questions that you have sent in, and hear our favorite quotes of the moment! In today\\u2019s \\u201cquestionably awesome\\u201d episode, Evans and I are talking about being a pushover and how to stop, setting goals and letting go of the outcome, and I share how I found a partner that is in alignment with me.\\n \\xa0\\n Review of the Week: @SashaGold\\n \\u201cYou make sitting in L.A. traffic tolerable. Lori and Evans feel like we\\u2019re already friends. You know when you\\u2019re like, \\u201cGet out of my head!?\\u201d Your episodes just seem to speak to me when I need it. I hope I can get my buns to Bliss one of these days so I can squeeze you both in a very non-creepy way. Cheers sisters! You gals are epic.\\u201d\\n \\xa0\\n Question 1: @cheyenneeejones\\n \\u201cI\\u2019m a pushover when someone wrongs me and apologizes. How do I stop?!\\u201d\\n \\xa0\\n Question 2: @carmenoling\\n \\u201cHow do you balance setting goals and taking daily deliberate action vs. letting go of outcome?\\u201d\\n \\xa0\\n Question 3: @natrowephoto\\n \\u201cHow did you find a partner who was aligned with you? Thanks so much <3\\u201d\\n Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook'