DB 190: What Youll Remember Most From This Pandemic

Published: April 8, 2020, noon


These are chaotic times.\\xa0 For the past 3 weeks, we haven\\u2019t seen our friends or relatives in person.\\xa0 We haven\\u2019t really even left the house, other than a few times per day to go on walks or bike rides around the neighborhood. \\xa0 We don\\u2019t know if this will be our reality for a few more weeks or a number of months - but ultimately our communities will re-open, kids will be back at school, and we\\u2019ll be able to hug our friends and family once again.\\xa0 When we look back at this unique time in our lives five or ten years from now, how will we remember this time? What will we remember most from the time we spent at home with our family? Eva shares that what we\\u2019ll remember most is the overall energy of the home.\\xa0 We\\u2019ll remember the feelings we were experiencing. We can\\u2019t control the virus, and we can\\u2019t control the chaos that is happening outside our homes but we can control the vibe, the energy, and the experience we are having in our house. That\\u2019s why Eva keeps on talking to the Big Dreamers about the power of a positive mindset.\\xa0 Ultimately it is up to us how we internalize this experience. Here at the Karpman household, we are making the decision to make this a positive one. In Episode 190, Eva shares 5 creative ideas that have worked wonders for our family during this challenging time. Join our Dream Big Squad Facebook Group and let us know what you are doing to keep things upbeat and positive in your home! \\xa0 Show notes at DreamBigPodcast.com/190
