DB 137: How Humans Are Like Power Plants! A POWERful episode :)

Published: May 13, 2019, noon


One of the most motivational mentors in the world right now is Brendon Burchard. \\xa0\\xa0Recently, we stumbled across a video of Brendon comparing people to power plants. \\xa0Brendon explained that when a power plant is first built - it alone does not have any energy. \\xa0\\xa0The power plant takes energy from a source -- whether that\\u2019s the sun or wind, and then transforms the energy into a usable energy that can be sent to your home. \\xa0In other words, the power plant does not have energy -- it generates energy. Likewise, we don\\u2019t have gratitude or happiness, we generate it. By the same token, we don\\u2019t have sadness or negativity, we generate it. \\xa0We take in energy from the outside world -- and we decide (yes it is a DECISION) -- how to transform and transmit that energy to the world. In this episode, Eva explores this analogy in great detail, applies the analogy to the incredible life of Kyle Maynard (who will be our guest in an upcoming June episode!), and then shares her wish for all Big Dreamers. \\xa0\\xa0This is a short, but powerful episode about Power Plants and what we can learn from Brendon\\u2019s thoughtful analogy. For our show notes, visit DreamBigPodcast.com/137
