#29 - Top 40 Countdown '22: I'm Middle-aged and Miserable

Published: Dec. 13, 2022, 8:30 a.m.

b'I\'m Middle-aged and Miserable - Kristen hates being single at age 50 and wants Dr. Laura\'s advice for how to be happier. - Dr. Laura: "It\'s hard to live a positive life with a negative mindset." - Would you say you\'re happy with where you are in life? Email me your thoughts at: drlaura@drlaura.com | To participate on the radio program; call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment - https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Become a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.'