Dopey86: Brandon Novak, Xanax Blackout, WhatsApp, Smoking Crack with Parents, Cathartic Waitering, Theme Song Challenge

Published: June 24, 2017, 2:38 p.m.

Chris gets a sick satisfaction from reading old WhatsApp messages from Francesca, an Italian girl who used to live next door (he's going to hell for this). We call Brandon Novak (Jackass). We play a voice memo from Andrew from Philly about the time he blacked out on Xanax and woke up feeling like he was "hit by a bus," with no posessions except for a "Christian book." Andrew now has two years clean and is doing well. We read a reddit message from someone who used to smoke crack with his parents and accidently drank his dad's piss. And lastly, but no leastly, we play an awesome 'Theme Song Challenge' entry from Cormac!