Three years ago she directed us to soul healing. Two years ago she reminded us of the power of sex in marriage.
\nFrancie Winslow\xa0is back. This time to share what she\u2019s learned about the exponential impact marital intimacy has on the world around us.
\nIn the past two years Francie has been doing extensive research on theology of the body. Exploring how God stamped His image on us. How we\xa0express our roles as image bearers through sex in marriage.
\nGod is an invisible God who wants to make himself visible to us. When man and woman come together as one it\u2019s his invitation for humanity to become one with God. Intimately connected with Him.
\nFrancie shares their own family stress and her personal struggle with anxiety. Things that can disrupt\xa0marital connection. She vulnerably shares how she and her husband have purposefully chosen sex over isolation.
\nGod\u2019s training us to fight for connection and for each other instead of against each other.
\nLove Francie\u2019s practical tips for keeping technology in check. So often screens and devices creep in between couples, increasing the distance and decreasing the intimacy.
\nDon\u2019t miss the list of great resources below to help train your children in forming a healthy perspective of the body and sex.
\n What we chat about:Get these books (as many as you can!) and read them over and over and over.\xa0 They are great for a range of ages \u2013 not just toddlers.\xa0 Not only will it help form a great spiritual foundation for your kids as they enter a sexually intense world as kids (sadly it happens young these days), it will help you as a grown up re-learn how to think about bodies, sexuality and identity.\xa0 It will also help give you simple, common language to use on an everyday basis in your home.\xa0 They have all been such a big part of us growing in this new way of seeing the gift of sex as a family.
\nFor older kids:
\nTheology of His Body/Theology of Her Body**\xa0by Jason Evert
\nThis was written with college kids in mind, but I found it super helpful and use it woven into conversations with my kids.
\nFor those who want more depth\u2026Theology of the Body for Beginners** by Christopher West
\n**Amazon Affiliate Link
\nSex is a multiplying factor in our lives, not just with producing kids, but producing a massive amount of connection.