Parenting Neurodivergent Children--Summer Edition :: Carrie Casell [Ep 413]

Published: June 12, 2023, 5:37 a.m.


How does your child\\u2019s behavior reflect on you?\\xa0


That\\u2019s a trick question -\\xa0 it doesn\\u2019t. But it\\u2019s easy for us to feel that it does. Parenting a neurodivergent child can heighten those feelings of guilt or shame when our child doesn\\u2019t behave in an expected way or when traditional forms of discipline or parenting simply don\\u2019t work. Pile on top of that everyone\\u2019s summer activity and vacation social media posts and you might be tempted to believe the lie that your family is less than somehow, or always missing out.\\xa0


My guest this week, Carrie Cassell, is mom to some fantastic neurodivergent kids. Her profound encouragement to \\u201cgo with the child you have, not the child you wish you had\\u201d reaches to every mom. Through her honesty with her own emotions and journey through motherhood thus far she reminds us neurodivergent brains aren\\u2019t bad or broken, they\\u2019re unique.\\xa0


Carrie created a space online for parents and caregivers of neurodivergent kids, Mosaic Connection. She invites parents into community to free them from isolation and shame, to connect them with themselves and do the inner work so they can help their kids believe the best about themselves.\\xa0

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