You know what you\u2019re seeing of someone else\u2019s life as you scroll isn\u2019t the whole story and yet we all find ourselves longing for that perfect vacation, that look of pure delight on their child\u2019s face, or the silent moments they were able to enjoy.\xa0
\nWe all know \u201ccomparison is the thief of joy,\u201d\xa0 and we should run from it. But what if, rather than try to immediately silence or distract whatever we\u2019re feeling in those moments, we got curious about what\u2019s going on inside? What if we could filter what we see and discern what is for us and what isn\u2019t?\xa0
\nIn Christ, God has given us a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is available to us all the time. We can use that wisdom to guide us as we uncover the \u201cwhy\u201d behind our comparisons and help us recognize our God-given boundaries.\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0
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