Adopting Special Needs Alice Candace Ep 213

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, 5:30 a.m.


Often the hardest assignments in our lives bring us the greatest good. I\\u2019ve seen it to be true in my own life. And have walked this Truth with friends on their journeys.\\xa0


In this episode I\\u2019ve invited my friends Alice and Candace to share their stories of adoption. And the process of discovering their adopted children have special needs. We also discuss how God has led them each into new ministries because of the children He\\u2019s brought into their families.\\xa0


I love seeing God\\u2019s purpose for Alice & Candace unfold alongside their leaning on Him for strength and guidance. Not to mention how they follow Him obediently with humor and grace!


I don\\u2019t know if God made Millie have autism or if that is a result of living in a fallen world. That\\u2019s something that I question every day. But I do know that the struggles that she has had more than anything else have shaped our family in a way that I think brings glory to God, more than the easy and fun and good things.\\u2013Alice
