Episode 7- Women Veterans Advocacy Coalition w/ Retired Major Camella Andrews

Published: June 1, 2020, 8:28 p.m.

b'Episode 7

Guest: Retired Major Camella Andrews- Major Retired Camella Andrews, served over 26 years and two combat tours. Mother of two and grandmother of three. After leaving the military I spent four years working with non-profit agency in support of women veterans. I was instrumental in getting the state of Texas to pass a bill making June 12th women veterans day.

We need your help. June 12, 2020, is the 72nd Anniversary of the Women\'s Armed Services Integration Act. The US Senate has passed a resolution to enact a National Women Veterans Appreciation Day. However, The House Resolution is sitting in Committee and has not moved since June 12th last year. The House Resolution is H.Res 438. Camella Andrews, US Army-Retired, introduced this idea to the Texas Legislature in 2017. Texas, Oregon, New York, Puerto Rico, Alaska, and California all have a Statewide Women Veteran\'s Day. Maj. Andrews is available for an interview to raise awareness of this pivotal legislation.

Sign the Petition: https://bit.ly/WomenVetsDay2020


Segment \\u201cWhat\\u2019s the Going\\u2019s On?\\u201d

Our country is burning under racial oppression, but I\'m coming back to that. Women Veterans Advocacy Coalition needs our help to get Women\'s Veterans Day passed and celebrated on June 12th. I share a bit about my time serving in the U.S. Army.

Main Segment

Retired Major Camella Andrews shares her story with us about joining the Army, being new to the U.S., building her astounding military career and how she continues to support women veterans today. You don\'t want to miss this episode. AND CALL TO ACTION-SIGN THE PETITION, let\'s give women veterans the acknowledgment they deserve because women vets are ALWAYS volunteers, never drafted. We voluntarily join to serve our country and our families.


Segment \\u201cWhat I Love About\\u201d

My time in the Army and how it still benefits my family today.


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