It's TIME to SHOW UP: Feeling the call to start your soul-centered online business?

Published: March 28, 2020, 7:21 p.m.

b'In this episode of Divine Downloads, our host, Cassandra Bodzak, talks about the importance of stepping up right now and sharing your medicine. Now is the time to start your soul-centered online business or take your current one to the next level. The world needs your medicine, it\\u2019s time to serve!\\n\\n\\n\\nJoin my FREE business Q+A sessions here:\\n\\n\\n\\nGet Scott\\u2019s FREE Guide to Recession Proofing Your Business Here:\\n\\\\n\\n\\n\\nGet on the list for my email updates, free guided meditations, and latest online offerings:\\n\\n\\n\\nJoin my workshop on MONEY LOVE: Unconditional Abundance LIVE or catch the replay here:\\n\\n\\n\\nAre you a Light Leader? Fill out an application to work with me ONE on ONE virtually to help you go to your next level of expansion:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nCheck out my LIVE upcoming online workshops here:\\n\\n'