There has already been much said about the layoffs that occurred this past week at Disney. We were the first podcast to carry that news. Now we want to take the time to give greater introspection and thought about what was happened. This post and podcast is dedicated to two different audiences:\n1. Those who are facing the real struggle of being laid off\n2. Managers who are having to make similar choices about laying off others\nWe are going to cover not the specifics of who got laid off where, but what lessons and messages all of this is sending. Our topics will include\nHiring, Disney Style\nTerminating Disney Style\nThe Role of Unions\nThe Role of Leaders\nHandling Layoffs in Bad Economic Times\nWe'll also talk about takeaways for not only managers, but what those who are laid off can do as next steps in putting their lives back together again. Join us for this special Disney at Work podcast, where we deal with one of the most difficult challenges of this pandemic.