Topic of the week - The hidden Fourth Estate: The Federal Reserve

Published: Nov. 12, 2020, 4:26 p.m.


An illusion depends on the degree of credibility it inspires. The failure of the democratic states in the fight against Covid 19 exposed the illusory condition of the three branches of government. Only the Fed and the other Central Banks remained as a sort of fourth estate by issuing huge sums of money. Even so, both the Fed and money will reveal themselves to us for what they are: mere illusions.




Mookie Tenembaum is the founder of the Desillusionism think-tank, a philosophy that states:

  • Reality as we experience it is a teleological narrative, i.e. goal-directed, in which material and illusory parts are confused.
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  • This narrative facilitates and allows the individual to interact out of inertia, in synchrony and in tune with \\u201cthe other\\u201d and \\u201cthe others\\u201d.
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  • This interaction occurs, in turn, escaping from and dealing with an endless string of sufferings and trying to handle them, with the threat of our own terrifying death always on the horizon.
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Discover everything about Desillusionism


Music by Mookie "Brexit Anthem"

