DMT 222: On Soundcloud, UMG's 2014, the evolution of D2F, Amanda Palmer on Patre

Published: March 5, 2015, 11:26 a.m.

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This week on Digital Music Trends it was a real pleasure to welcome Benji Rogers (President, Pledge Music) and Jessie Scoullar (Founder, Wicksteed Works).

We start by discussing On SoundCloud\'s $1m payment to partners thanks to high-profile brand partnerships and what that could mean for the company\'s future.

Then we \\xa0tackle UMG\'s 2014 decline in revenues which, alongside the recent management shake-up, could see the label revisiting its attitude towards freemium services.

I also take advantage of the expertise of this week\'s guests in everything direct to fan to talk about the evolution of D2F experiences. We debate whether they are being successfully deployed by the majority of artists or whether we\'re still looking at a missed opportunity. In that context we also discuss Amanda Palmer\'s new Patreon page which at the time of the recording had hit $14k and is now approaching $20k per \'thing\' released.

Finally, we discuss SXSW 2015 and what my guests have planned so far for the festival which kicks off in just a few day\'s time in Austin, Texas.

I really hope you enjoy the show and \'till next time.

Andrea Leonelli'