DMT 137: Jay-Z & Samsung, Pink Floyd Stream, BMI goes to (Rate) Court, Audiam &

Published: June 21, 2013, 9:28 a.m.

This week on Digital Music Trends J Herskowitz, Jeff Price and Marcus Taylor join me to chat about: Jay Z's deal with Samsung on the release of Magna Carta Holy Grail, BMI taking Pandora to the Rate Court, Pink Floyd joining the streaming fold, Audiam launching to enable musicians to collect all their YouTube money, the new MySpace going out of beta and getting a native iOS app, the launch of Soundwave as well as the latest from Tomahawk.\xa0The shownotes with links to all the articles are here:\xa0

It was a really fun show to record and I hope you'll enjoy the smooth video and audio throughout... a first for a 4-way conversation across 2 continents. Below a breakdown of the show with links to the specific clips on YouTube.

00:16\xa0Introduction of show and guests
01:40\xa0Jaz-Z's deal with Samsung to distribute Magna Carta Holy Grail
02:53\xa0Do you think this will work in Jay-Z's favor from a marketing perspective?
07:30\xa0There are a few steps to giving the album away including having to make users aware that this is happening and getting them to download the app on their phone, are they going to be able to give away 1 million copies?
08:50\xa0And the album given away as part of the deal are unlikely to be counted for charts purposes, have artists stopped caring about charts?
10:20\xa0BMI sues Pandora and takes the case to the Federal Rate Court after the two companies could not reach an agreement. What do you feel about BMI's options, it feels like they were being backed into a corner and that was their only shot. What do you think?
13:50\xa0Is Pandora antagonizing essentially all of the rightsholders from the master owners to the publishers?
18:50\xa0Pink Floyd join the streaming fold after quickly reaching the 1 million plays they asked for on Wish You Were Here, was the bar for unlocking set too low and what do you think will happen to the remaining holdouts?
24:45\xa0Jeff you've just launched a new project called Audiam this week can you tell us a little bit about what the concept is and what the company does?
Jeff explains how videos on YouTube can be monetized and how things get complicated when you add music into the picture.
28:00\xa0J Herskowitz talks about what's happening with Tomahawk
30:40\xa0Marcus Taylor talks about Venture Harbour
31:50\xa0Is Google preparing to serve music instantly to people who are looking for songs? Would it make sense?
39:00\xa0the new MySpace exits beta and launches iOS app, any takers?
46:30\xa0Shout-out to Soundwave, new app

Thanks for tuning in, have a great week and 'till next time!

Andrea Leonelli