S1E7 - Dawn of Dragons

Published: Nov. 17, 2019, 3 p.m.

b'"The Ivory Library..."\\nCordelia researches the secret tomes of the Ivory Library, discovering the world and possibly the key to taking down Lord Pallus...\\nThis episode features David S. Dear from the Ninth World Journal Podcast, Cheyenne Bramwell from The Magical BS Podcast and Piper Cleaveland from the World Forge Podcast.\\nMusic for todays episode composed, recorded and provided by Will Savino from Music D20 - https://www.patreon.com/musicd20\\nVisit https://DiceTowerTheatre.com for more information about the world of Dawn of Dragons.\\nFollow us at:https://www.facebook.com/DiceTowerTheatre/https://twitter.com/DiceTowrTheatrehttps://www.instagram.com/dicetowertheatre/\\nYou can support us at https://www.patreon.com/DiceTowerTheatre\\nDawn of Dragons is a radioplay style retelling of a TTRPG campaign over 5 years of gameplay with episodes every 3 weeks'