#009: [Part 3] The State of UX in 2019 by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga of UX Collective

Published: Jan. 29, 2019, 8:04 a.m.

Fabricio and Caio highlight the current landscape of the UX industry, from the tools we use, the methods we apply every day, the technologies we design around, and much more.
About the authors:
Fabricio Teixeira is a design director at Work & Co based in Brooklyn, NY. Founder of UX Collective. A big believer in user-centered design and knowledge sharing. Learn more about Fabricio at https://uxdesign.cc/@fabriciotCaio Braga is a UX designer & editor at https://uxdesign.cc. Learn more about Caio at https://medium.com/@caioab.
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