#4: TYPO3 10.4.1 and your peace of mind

Published: Jan. 22, 2021, 11 p.m.

TYPO3: From underdog to international CMS

TYPO3 is a free, open source CMS that’s been around for 23 years. Universities, airlines, banks, and cruise ships around the world use it and love it for its reliability, structure, and stability. Robert Douglass compares TYPO3’s success to a “David and Goliath story, where the scrappy open source project came along and overthrew proprietary software.”

TYPO3’s unique multisite and multilingual capabilities

TYPO3’s strong multisite and multilingual capabilities make it a popular choice for international companies who manage multiple brands. TYPO3 can support thousands of sites, users, and pages within a single install, all stored in one database. 

Luisa Faßbender, TYPO3 Marketing Team Lead, says, “These companies are all around the world, and they don’t want to have 20 different websites and backgrounds. TYPO3 enables us to create really easy, fast, and good-performing websites effortlessly.”

The 10.4.1 LTS release benefits developers, marketers, and users

TYPO3 already has features that help make developers’ and marketers’ jobs easier: like an easily navigable page-tree structure, easy extensibility, and a steady release cycle. The 10.4.1 release provides even more new and exciting features to explore.

For marketers and editors

  • realURL included
  • Update slugs more easily
  • Redirect management

For developers

  • Core-wide dependency injection
  • Get rid of APIs with Doctrine Dbal

For users

  • Integrated dashboard

TYPO3 has challenges, but it’s built for the long run

TYPO3 meets the needs of specific audiences very well, and it won’t be the right CMS for everyone. You’ll need technical knowledge to use it—like PHP and relevant web technologies. But as Benni Mack, the CTO of b13 GmbH, says, “If you build something with TYPO3, it may take you a bit of effort, but you can run it for a long time. TYPO3 is not there for building a website and throwing it down 8 weeks later. TYPO3 sites are here to stay.”

TYPO3’s new release is more of the same -- and that’s a good thing

Over time, TYPO3 has built itself a dedicated community with its reliability, stability, and great multisite and multilingual support. The 10.4.1 LTS release keeps up TYPO3’s standards while improving the daily lives of your developers, marketers, and users.

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