How We Can Assess the Risks to Amplify Opportunity with LCDR Timothy Beach, Chief Data Officer, Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems, U.S. Navy.

Published: June 26, 2023, 1 p.m.


Tune in for another episode of AI Proficiency: Turning Tomorrow into Today to hear a compelling discussion with LCDR Timothy Beach, Chief Data Officer, Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems, U.S. Navy. When predicting the future of AI, there\\u2019s rarely ever just one path that can be taken. Timothy shares that preparing for each of these outcomes with a thorough understanding of emerging capabilities is the key to ensuring safety and security. Listen in to hear more as we unpack what is required to address human needs within the AI space, and how curiosity, exploration, and education can help equip people with the most vital questions needed to navigate it.





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