Vic Vandal: Keeping Secret Secrets Secret and Sharing Secret Secrets Secretly

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

Have you ever wanted to:

Transmit secret codes and messages
Protect Nuclear launch codes
Dabble in Intellectual Property protection
Warez/file-sharing with legal liability protection
Develop and share terrorist plots
Smuggle illegal substances
Hide digital pr0n from others
Exchange classified information securely
Exchange diskette with "Leonardo da Vinci" virus, culled from the hacked "garbage" file on the Gibson

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions then this talk is for you. Vic will walk you through the shadowy world of secret-splitting, steganography, spy tactics, and other methods to hide and/or exchange sensitive materials and information - without the use of traditional cryptography. Both digital and physical protection schemes will be covered during the course of the presentation. The audience will also get to play along in a handful of online challenges. So gird your loins, lock up your women and children, put on your dark sunglasses, and come join the fun.

For those interested in playing along during the stego portion of the talk, consider pre-installing any/all of the following tools:
- GifItUp (Windows)
- S-Tools (Windows)
- JPHS (Windows)
- MP3Stego (Windows or Linux)
- Camouflage (Windows)
- Stego (Mac)
- Hydan (Linux)

Vic Vandal is his name, digital havoc is his game! From skateboards to keyboards and everything in between, Vic can manipulate, conjugate, and detonate his tactical skills (that pay the bills) to burn your eyes with visual napalm!

Trained in cyber-warfare by the United States armed forces (actually it was more vice-versa, but such details are unimportant), Vic is now a digital mercenary ready to unleash his diabolical digital deeds for the right price.

His objective? Communications! A modern day ENIAC, Vic makes, creates, and propagates the everyday analog into digital mayhem for the masses. A Wizard of Oz in his own private cyber-wonderland, he is on his way to taking over all global transmissions. All your base are belong to him!