Tony Howlett: The Death of Cash: The loss of anonymity and other dangers of the cash free society

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

In this talk, we will discuss the pros and cons (mostly cons) of the cash less society and how it might endanger your privacy and civil liberties. This movement towards the elimination of cash has been picking up speed and mostly accepted by the populace as a huge convenience. We examine some reasons why this isn't such a good thing. We also look at legislation and laws in this area that give banks and the government unprecedented ability to track your financial transactions, cash and non with little or no cause. And finally some ways to avoid this scrutiny and protect your financial privacy.

Tony Howlett is President of Network Security Services, Inc. He was previously founder and CTO of InfoHighway Communications Corp., a leading ISP and CLEC. He is a frequent speaker and writer on security, the Internet and technology. He is the author of "Open Source Security Tools" as well as numerous articles for SysAdmin, Security Administrator, Windows Web Solutions, Windows IT Pro, Texas Computing and Computer Currents magazines. He is the co-host of the IT Security Blog "Fearless Security" on Type "Tony Howlett" into Google to get additional references.