SensePost: Pushing the Camel through the eye of a needle

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

In 2007 SensePost demonstrated the how DNS and Timing attacks could be used for a variety of attacks. This year we take those attacks further and show how small footholds in a target network can be converted into portals we can (and do) drive trucks through! With some updated SensePost tools, and some brand new ones, we will demonstrate how to convert your simple SQL Injection attacks (against well hardened environments) into point and click (well, type and click) ownage, how the framework management pages you never knew you had, can double as our network proxies and why despite all of the hype around SQL Server 2005, we still enjoy finding it behind vulnerable web applications. The talk is fairly technical and expects that the attendees understand the basics of Web Application and Web Browser based attacks. Attendees will leave with new attack vectors, a couple of new tools and some thoughts on future directions of these attacks.

Haroon Meer is the Technical Director of SensePost. He joined SensePost in 2001 and has not slept since his early childhood. He has co-authored several technical books on Information Security and has spoken and trained at conferences around the world. He has played in most aspects of IT Security from development to deployment and currently gets his kicks from reverse engineering, application assessments and similar forms of pain.

Marco Slaviero is a SensePost Associate and finds long bios amusing.