Panel: Internet Wars

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

Some of the panel members in previous years:

Andrew Fried IRS
Thomas Grasso FBI
Dan Hubbard Websense
Dan Kaminsky IOActive
Randy Vaughn Baylor
Paul Vixie ISC

This year's panel members will be announced closer to the conference date.

Continuing our new tradition from the past two years, leading experts from different industries, academia and law enforcement will go on stage and participate in this panel, discussing the current threats on and to the Internet, from regular cyber-crime all the way to the mafia, and even some information warfare.

In this panel session we will begin with a short (2-5 minutes) introductory presentation from Gadi Evron on the latest technologies and operations by the Bad Guys and the Good Guys. What's going on with Internet operations, global routing, botnets, extortion, phishing and the annual revenue the mafia is getting from it. The members will accept questions on any subject related to the topic at hand, and discuss it openly in regard to what's being done and what we can expect in the future, both from the Bad Guys and the Good Guys.

Discussion is to be limited to issues happening on the Internet, rather than this or that vulnerability. The discussion is mostly technological and operational in nature, although for example two years ago attendees chose to ask questions directing the discussion to the legal side of things. Participants are people who are involved with battling cyber-crime daily, and are some of the leaders in the security operations community of the Internet.

Gadi Evron is recognized globally for his work and leadership in Internet security operations. He is the founder of the Zeroday Emergency Response Team (ZERT), organizes and chairs worldwide conferences, working groups and task forces. He is considered an expert on corporate security and counterespionage, botnets, e-fraud and phishing. Previously, Gadi was CISO at the Israeli government ISP (eGovernment project) and founded the Israeli Government CERT. Gadi authored two books on information security and is a frequent lecturer.