Lee Kushner & Mike Murray: Career Mythbusters-Separating Fact from Fiction in your Information Security Career

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

How long should my resume be? Do I really need to be a Manager? Do I need to attend business school? What certifications do I need? Does my title matter? Should I go after money or a cool job? What are the hot skills du jour? How do I use LinkedIn and Facebook? All of these questions are asked continually by Information Security professionals as they assess their current positions and determine which future opportunities align with their aspirations. Mike Murray and Lee Kushner return to the DefCon stage to answer these questions and dispel the prevailing myths that permeate the information security industry. Participants should leave the presentation with a better way to map out their own career and separate fact from fiction as they make decisions on how to pursue their ultimate career goals.

Lee Kushner is the President of LJ Kushner and Associates, LLC, an Executive Search firm dedicated exclusively to the Information Security industry and its professionals. Founded in 1999, LJ Kushner has successfully represented Fortune 2000 companies, Information Security Software Companies, Information Security Services Companies and large technology firms in enabling them to locate, attract, hire, and retain top level Information Security talent. He has been an invited speaker on the subjects of recruitment, retention, and industry trends at Information Security Conferences that include The Black Hat Briefings, The RSA Security Conference, Information Security Decisions, and a variety of ISSA Chapter Conferences.

Mike has spent his entire career in information security, starting in the late 90's as a penetration tester and vulnerability researcher up to his current position as the Director of Neohapsis Labs, where he heads up research, testing and analysis of security products. His years of experience as a vulnerability researcher and leader of research teams have convinced him that the most important system to focus on in information security is the human system.

His past few years, while continuing his work on the information security side with nCircle, LURHQ and Liberty Mutual, have been spent focusing extensively on the human side of security. His work helping other security professionals realize how to build a great career in security has been widely recognized, and his talks at major conferences about advanced social engineering techniques have been extremely well-reviewed. Mike's thoughts can be found on his blog at Episteme.ca, as well as his career site at ForgetTheParachute.com. He is the author of an upcoming book from No Starch Press on the intricacies and skills behind advanced social engineering and human exploitation.