Jim O'Leary: Every Breath You Take

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

How much data do you generate in the process of living an ordinary day? This talk covers various ways to gather, persist and analyze the data stream that is your life. We'll cover a few of the approaches that are available today, some easy code you can whip up to persist anything you please, and what to expect from the community and businesses moving forward. Privacy/security impact is sure to be huge, so hold on to your hats, and start tracking and logging everything! Somebody else may be doing it for you already..

Jim O'Leary is a security dude, doing security things. Typically not a fan of speaking in the third person, or self-important bios, he has the following creds: compsci & psych degrees, cissp, contributions to a few books, security-related patents in various states of filing, and a pretty sweet job in Redmond. Identity thieves and overzealous bio researchers can check out bio.jimio.com.