Don M. Blumenthal: Working with Law Enforcement

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

Security-related laws and regulations, with parallel privacy measures, are assuming an ever-expanding role in American society. As a result, the likelihood that an organization will receive a call, visit, subpoena, or letter from a law enforcement agency is constantly increasing. This program will address issues related to addressing these contacts. It will explore relevant legal questions but also the real world processes and considerations that should go into protecting private sector interests, and even lessening the burden of government inquiries. In addition, it will discuss considerations concerning proactive fostering of relationships with law enforcement to mutual benefit.

Don M. Blumenthal is a professional with over 20 years proven experience in technology, law, and policy. He is a consultant and attorney based in Ann Arbor, MI, specializing in data security and privacy issues, as well as other technology-related matters such as electronic discovery, spam, malware, and Internet evidence development. He also is a Senior Principal with Global Cyber Risk, LLC, of Washington, DC. In addition, Mr. Blumenthal is an adjunct professor in the University of Michigan School of Information and serves as a legal affairs SME for the Centre for Assurance Studies, a NSA Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education at the University of Detroit Mercy.