D.J. Capelis: Building a Real Session Layer

Published: Oct. 24, 2006, 9:28 p.m.

It's past time for a session layer. It's time to replace port knocking with a real authentication framework. It's time to do what DNS did with IP addresses to port numbers. It's time to run services over NATs, eliminate the need for vhosts in your webserver and provide optional transparent encryption for any client who wants it. In this talk, we'll do that and a couple other tricks... within the framework of a little-known RFC that was written almost 2 decades ago.

D.J. Capelis spends his time at University of California, San Diego eating pizza. A portion of the remaining time is dedicated to research on building more secure computer systems. His latest research areas include building trusted platforms that aren't evil, looking for the next hot thing among old ideas and raining on the parades of people who think virtualization is a wonderful idea for production systems. He yearns for a time when XML was a scary dream, SPRITE would transparently migrate your processes between machines and real programmers had an inexplicable hatred for quiche.