7- When Depression Causes Gaps in your Resume

Published: July 14, 2020, 1:10 p.m.


This software developer wanted to keep his identity anonymous, due to the stigma that his family, his community and the job market has on mental illness.
\\nHe shares how because his family discouraged him to get help with his ADHD, the lack of treatment caused him to go in a downward spiral depression.
\\nWe talk about how now, after being finally diagnosed 11 years ago, he is ready to get back in the job market. And despite graduating from an elite university, having years of work experience and being a talented software engineer, the gaps in his resumes and the inability to be open about his mental illness, has caused him to be unemployed for over 2 years.


View the full transcript here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kDLcdFhEw6G8JEvQa8vliaCCUBiejgFY8YHoFJz6bPE/edit?usp=sharing


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