36: Indian Burial Grounds ft. Joey Clift

Published: Nov. 27, 2018, 11 a.m.

b'James and Chelsea invite Joey Clift, friend, comedian, and member of the Cowlitz tribe, to discuss the trope of Indian Burial Grounds in horror.\\n\\nFollow Joey Clift: @joeytainment\\n\\nBuy The American Indian Ready to Wear Catalog 2018 at redcatpress.com\\n\\nWatch Ask a Slave at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHPZ...\\u200b\\n\\nSources for this episode:\\nWhy Every Horror Film of the 1980s Was Built On \\u2018Indian Burial Grounds\\u2019 by Dan Nosowitz\\nKubrick\'s Shining Secret by Bill Blakemore\\nAnother Indian Burial Ground, Please...by Terri Jean\\nThe Suburban Horror of the Indian Burial Ground by Colin Dickey\\nViceland\\nBBC\\nRoom 237\\nThe History Channel\\nAsk a Slave\\nThe Real Amityville Horror (Documentary)\\n\\n\\nDead Meat Podcast \\u25ba http://deadmeatpod.libsyn.com/website\\u200b\\n\\nThis video (including the awesome new intro) was edited entirely by Chelsea - I provided nothing but that sweet Dead Meat voice. \\n\\nDead Meat on Social Media:\\nTwitter \\u25ba https://twitter.com/deadmeatjames\\u200b\\nInstagram \\u25ba http://instagram.com/deadmeatjames\\u200b\\nFacebook \\u25ba https://www.facebook.com/deadmeatjames\\u200b\\nDiscord \\u25ba https://discord.gg/GHazvA5\\u200b\\nSteam Official Group \\u25ba http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Dead...\\u200b\\n\\nChelsea Rebecca on Social Media: \\nTwitter \\u25ba https://twitter.com/carebecc\\u200b\\nInstagram \\u25ba http://instagram.com/carebecc\\u200b\\n\\nJames A. Janisse on Social Media:\\nTwitter \\u25ba https://twitter.com/jamesajanisse\\u200b\\nInstagram \\u25ba http://instagram.com/jamesajanisse\\u200b\\n\\nPractical Folks (James and Chelsea\'s other channel):\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/practicalfolks\\u200b\\n\\nMUSIC!!\\n~~Logo~~\\n"U Make Me Feel" by MK2'