Vice Admiral John Morgan of the US Navy

Published: March 7, 2007, 10:24 p.m.

b'This is a sit-down interview with Vice Admiral John Morgan about building a community of trust in a "Pier-to-Pier" world. \\n
This relates to comments by Admiral Mike Mullen, the Chief of Naval Operations, U.S. Navy. Admiral Mullen is the top ranking Naval officer and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and has been advocating the idea of a "1,000 Ship Navy", a pooling of the resources among nations, a community of trust that includes the sharing of information among navies of countries that may otherwise be untrusting of each other for political or economic reasons. A ", self-organizing network of maritime partners..." This is a somewhat informal relationship more like the one that grew the Internet than the command-and-control style of more traditional military or corporate relationships. Vice Admiral Morgan, interviewed here, has been speaking around the country on this topic.\\n
Recorded: 2007-03-05\\n
Length: 19:48, Size: 9.1MB'