Toby Redshaw of Motorola about wikis and blogs

Published: March 23, 2006, 6:39 p.m.

b"This is an interview with Toby Redshaw, Motorola's Corporate Vice President of Information Technology Strategy, Architecture & e-Business, at DiamondCluster's DX Summit in early March 2006. He told me that Motorola, #49 on the Fortune 500, has almost 2,000 internal wikis (that's separate wikis, each with many pages), and 2,700 blogs used by 60,000 of their 68,000 employees daily. 4,000-5,000 people are actively contributing, the rest mainly read.\\n
Toby tells us about what wikis and blogs are used for, how they rolled them out, what benefits they get, how they chose what they did, experience with bad behavior, etc. Near the end, he also talks about their experiences with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).\\n
Recorded: 2006-03-06\\n
Length: 30:03, Size: 13.7MB"