FIRST competition with Minsky Woz etc.

Published: March 25, 2006, 10:45 p.m.

b'This is a compilation of walk-around quick interviews at a VIP lunch at the Boston FIRST Regional Robotics Competition. FIRST is the organization Dean Kamen founded to promote interest in science and technology in kids. It starts outs with CIMIT (Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology) strategic director Ronald Newbower (I wrote up a visit to CIMIT in February 2002 here on my blog), then has iRobot chairman and co-founder Helen Greiner, then AI pioneer Marvin Minsky, then Steve Wozniak, then one of the Worcester, Massachusetts, "Polar Bots" team, and then a little sound from the competition.\\n
Recorded: 2006-03-25\\n
Length: 19:01, Size: 8.7MB'