118 Daily Easy English Expression PODCASThigh-profile

Published: Aug. 27, 2014, 5 a.m.

b'Today\\u2019s expression and dialog:\\nhigh-profile\\nWe need to grow our classes.\\nYes. We need to be more high-profile.\\nAny ideas on how we do that?\\nBuy everyone who joins a free car?\\n \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0\\nPlease subscribe on iTunes and get this podcast EVERY DAY!\\nSupport Coach Shane by giving $1 a month!\\nwww.patreon.com/coachshane\\nOur sponsors:\\nwww.letsmasterenglish.com/tryddm (Get 8 FREE DDM lessons!)\\nwww.audibletrial.com/lme (Get a free AUDIO BOOK!)\\nwww.letsmasterenglish.com/grammar (CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR!)\\nOur YouTube channel:\\n\\xa0\\nwww.youtube.com/DailyEasyEnglish'