White House adds its voice to CISAs Shields Up, warning of the possibility of Russian cyberattacks. New malware strains described, new criminal attack techniques observed.

Published: March 22, 2022, 8:20 p.m.

b"White House warns of large-scale Russian cyberattacks. Browser-in-the-Browser attacks. New Conti affiliate described. Android malware \\u201cFacestealer\\u201d described. Android malware \\u201cFacestealer\\u201d described. Microsoft and Okta investigate possible Lapsus$ attacks. Arid Gopher is out in the wild. Our guest is Swathi West of Barr Advisory on opportunities for the underrepresented in cybersecurity. Joe Carrigan wonders if we can\\u2019t just get rid of passwords once and for all. And advancing censorship by finding \\u201cextremism\\u201d and \\u201cRussophobia\\u201d in Meta\\u2019s platforms.\\n\\nFor links to all of today's stories check out our CyberWire daily news briefing:\\nhttps://thecyberwire.com/newsletters/daily-briefing/11/55\\n\\nSelected reading.\\nRussia's hybrid war with Ukraine: strategy, norms, and alliances (The CyberWire)\\nStatement by President Biden on our Nation\\u2019s Cybersecurity (The White House)\\xa0\\nFACT SHEET: Act Now to Protect Against Potential Cyberattacks (The White House)\\xa0\\nStatement from CISA Director Easterly on Potential Russian Cyberattacks Against the United States (CISA)\\xa0\\nPress Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Deputy NSA for Cyber and Emerging Technologies Anne Neuberger, March 21, 2022 (The White House)\\xa0\\nStatement from Secretary Mayorkas on Cybersecurity Preparedness (US Department of Homeland Security)\\xa0\\nConti Affiliate Exposed: New Domain Names, IP Addresses and Email\\u2026 (eSentire)\\xa0\\nNew Phishing toolkit lets anyone create fake Chrome browser windows (BleepingComputer).\\nNew Browser-in-the Browser (BITB) Attack Makes Phishing Nearly Undetectable (The Hacker News)\\nArid Gopher: Newest Micropsia Malware Variant (Deep Instinct)\\xa0\\nSpyware dubbed Facestealer infects 100,000+ Google Play users (Pradeo)\\xa0\\nOkta confirms investigation into potential breach (The Record by Recorded Future)\\xa0\\nMicrosoft investigating alleged Lapsus$ hack of Azure DevOps source code repositories (Computing)\\xa0\\nRussian War Report: Meta officially declared \\u201cextremist organization\\u201d in Russia (Atlantic Council)"