ShadowBrokers frustrated with the peoples. Callisto Group was active against UK Foreign Office. US DCI denounces WikiLeaks as a hostile intelligence service. Surveillance vendors said willing to deal with pariah regimes. Weaponized memes.

Published: April 14, 2017, 6:35 p.m.

b"In today's podcast, we hear that the ShadowBrokers are fed up with all of you peoples. The Callisto Group spearphised the UK's Foreign Office last year. The US DCI calls out WikiLeaks as a hostile intelligence service. Lawful intercept shops alleged to be willing to deal with pariah regimes. University of Maryland\\u2019s Jonathan Katz discusses Google\\u2019s unfulfilled promise of end-to-end encryption in gmail. Ajit Sancheti from Preempt Security explains the tension between security and human nature. \\xa0NATO insiders would like to see the Atlantic Alliance weaponized memes."