Russian dogs not yet barking in German elections. ISIS is doing a lot of howling at lone wolves. Equifax updates. CCleaner found unclean. OurMine hacks Vevo to avenge its honor.

Published: Sept. 18, 2017, 8:13 p.m.

b"In today's podcast, we note reports that, while\\xa0Germany will hold elections Sunday, Russian cyber operators seem quiet. Too quiet? Switzerland and Singapore both report sustaining state-sponsored cyber espionage attempts. ISIS howls for its lone wolves to hit soft targets. The Equifax breach news isn't getting any better. Cisco finds a backdoor in an Avast security product.\\xa0Chris Poulin\\xa0from\\xa0Booz Allen\\xa0Hamilton, our\\xa0newest\\xa0industry partner,\\xa0introduces\\xa0himself. He leads the Internet of Things security strategy in Booz Allen\\u2019s Dark Labs, as well as dabbles in Machine Intelligence. He joins BAH from IBM, where he lead their X-Force research teams and built the first prototype Watson for\\xa0cybersecurity.OurMine\\xa0hackers hit\\xa0Vevo\\xa0to redress an insult delivered over LinkedIn.\\xa0\\n Thanks for listening to the CyberWire. One of the ways you can support what we do is by visiting our sponsors. Recorded Future's user conference RFUN 2017 comes to Washington, D.C. , October 4th and 5th, 2017, bringing together the people who put the act in actionable intelligence. If you\\u2019d like to learn more about how small nuances in how artificial intelligence and machine learning are used can make a big difference, check out E8\\u2019s white paper."