Phishing from the library. Facebook and Cambridge Analytica updates. Bots as propaganda readers. SamSam still plagues Atlanta. Aadhaar leaky? Many nations expel Russian diplomats.

Published: March 27, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

b"In today's podcast, we hear that the\\xa0Mabna\\xa0Institute was pretty good at phishing. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg sends regrets to Westminster. Facebook is under FTC investigation. Cambridge\\xa0Analytica\\xa0is in hot water with the FEC. Kaspersky says outing Slingshot was just part of the job. The City of Atlanta is finding it surprisingly hard to recover from\\xa0SamSam\\xa0ransomware.\\xa0Aadhaar\\xa0may be leaky, again. Bots as Lord Haw-Haws. More than twenty countries expel Russian diplomats. Russian cyber reprisal expected.\\xa0Justin Harvey from Accenture on cryptocurrency mining. Guest is Steve Piper from CyberEdge with results from their 2018 Cyberthreat Defense Report."