Patch that password manager. The hidden hand of the troll farm. Election meddling. Coin-minings costs, and a crackdown in China. If you really loved me, youd speculate in Dogecoin....or something.

Published: Sept. 17, 2021, 9:30 p.m.

b"Patch your Zoho software now--vulnerable instances are being actively exploited. Maximum engagement isn\\u2019t necessarily good engagement: the hidden hand of the trolls replaces the invisible hand of the marketplace of ideas. Politics ain\\u2019t beanbag, Russian edition. An indictment emerges from the US investigation into possible misconduct during the 2016 elections. The costs of coin-mining. Josh Ray from Accenture on protecting critical infrastructure. Our guest is Tony Pepper from Egress with a look at Insider Data Breaches. And don\\u2019t mix investment advice with matters of the heart.\\nFor links to all of today's stories check out our CyberWire daily news briefing:\\n"