Operation Shadow Web rolls up carding gang. Fancy Bear sightings. DPRK buying zero-days? Cryptojacking ICS. Huawei, ZTE get Congressional razzing. Jita scams.

Published: Feb. 8, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

b"In today's podcast we hear that\\xa0Operation Shadow Web\\xa0has\\xa0tken\\xa0down the Infraud criminal carding gang. Two more Fancy Bear sightings\\u2014one in voter databases, one in Defense contractor emails. North Korea may have purchased its Flash Player zero-day from a third-party.\\xa0Cryptojacking\\xa0hits a European water utility. US Senate considers banning Huawei and ZTE from Federal use.\\xa0Johannes Ullrich on cryptocurrency theft, and advice for protecting your virtual currency. Guest is Christopher Doman from AlienVault on their discovery of a\\xa0Monero\\xa0cryptocurrency miner linked to North Korea.\\xa0And no, Messrs. McAfee and Musk aren't Nigerian princes, and they're not giving away Bitcoin."