Macro-less malware. Metacriminals and botnet herders. Hacking ships and airliners. Cryptocurrency glitch. Congratulations to the SINET 16.

Published: Nov. 9, 2017, 8:35 p.m.

b"In today's podcast, we hear that there's no honor among thieves, or botnet herders, either. Reaper still seems quiet. Macro-less malware is a problem, Microsoft warns. Researchers show you can hack an airliner's avionics. The maritime shipping sector worries that\\xa0Maerk's\\xa0experience with\\xa0NotPetya\\xa0isn't just a one-off. Ether\\u2014the cryptocurrency\\u2014is disappearing into the\\xa0aether\\xa0(at least this once).\\xa0Justin Harvey from Accenture on the importance of not failing the basics. Guest is David\\xa0Barzilai\\xa0from\\xa0Karamba\\xa0Security on the security of embedded systems in automated cars.\\xa0And we congratulate this year's SINET 16."