Catphishing for spies. Banking Trojans. Spider ransomware. CoinHive comes to Starbucks. SEC stops another ICO. BrickerBot retired?

Published: Dec. 12, 2017, 7:53 p.m.

b"In today's podcast, we hear that\\xa0Berlin says Beijing's been\\xa0catphishing, and\\xa0that\\xa0Beijing says no way. Banking Trojans in Google Play look for Polish accounts. Spider malware spins out of the Balkans. Transferring risk doesn't mean you can ignore it. The SEC calls cease-and-desist on another ICO. That venti in Buenos Aires may have come with a\\xa0CoinHive\\xa0miner.\\xa0Rick Howard from Palo Alto Networks on DevOps vs. site reliability engineers.\\xa0Marcelle Lee from\\xa0LookingGlass\\xa0on the Bad Rabbit ransomware.\\xa0The Doctor puts down his tools and closes\\xa0BrickerBot."