A look back at midterm cybersecurity. Communications security lessons learned in Ukraine. Known Exploited Vulnerabilities and Patch Tuesday. Off-boarding deserves some attention.

Published: Nov. 9, 2022, 9:15 p.m.

b"US midterm elections proceed without cyber disruption. Communications security lessons learned. CISA publishes new entries to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog. Patch Tuesday notes. Carole Theriault examines cross border money laundering. The FBI\\u2019s Bryan Vorndran offers guidance on how companies should think about their exposure in china.\\xa0And a recent study finds reasons to be concerned about off-boarding.\\n\\nFor links to all of today's stories check out our CyberWire daily news briefing:\\nhttps://thecyberwire.com/newsletters/daily-briefing/11/216\\n\\nSelected reading.\\nTaking a look at election security on US midterm Election Day. (CyberWire)\\nCommunications Security: Lessons Learned From Ukraine (BlackBerry)\\nCISA Adds Seven Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog (CISA)\\nMicrosoft November 2022 Patch Tuesday (SANS Institute)\\xa0\\nNovember Patch Tuesday Updates | 2022 (Syxsense Inc)\\xa0\\nMicrosoft Fixes Six Actively Exploited Flaws (Decipher)\\xa0\\nMicrosoft fixes ProxyNotShell Exchange zero-days exploited in attacks (BleepingComputer)\\nMicrosoft Scrambles to Thwart New Zero-Day Attacks (SecurityWeek)\\xa0\\nInfrastructure access and security. (CyberWire)"