Episode 13-How to Love Being Single with Shani Silver

Published: Aug. 3, 2020, 2:46 a.m.

b'Being single doesn\'t always feel great- and being single during a pandemic is a whole other story.

But what if I told you that you can start feeling 10 times better about being single right now?

In this episode of Cut the Small Talk, I got a chance to chat with Shani Silver of A Single Serving Podcast, about how she changed her negative mindset on being single to a positive one, and how she made a career out of creating content for single women to challenge the way the media and society negatively portrays singlehood. Her content is a game changer for real!

Show link to Shani\'s podcast : https://open.spotify.com/show/0vVwbdT9RAppTSHeamR6S5?si=1ibMPpfIQNuxns-RiUk7vw

Link to the "What Do You Mean By That" episode with Dr. Kris Marsh https://open.spotify.com/episode/3DHS21hrof9oKJbQQ8iehk?si=qyE7k5eeQ-yUL4DMbWef5A

Find Shani Silver at: https://www.shanisilver.com/

Shani\'s instagram: @ShaniSilver