Season 6, Episode 42: New Used Books + Our Recent DNFs and NRNs

Published: May 27, 2024, 9 a.m.


On this episode of Currently Reading, Kaytee and Meredith are discussing:

  • Bookish Moments: more bookish podcasts and new to us books

  • Current Reads: all the great, interesting, and/or terrible stuff we\\u2019ve been reading lately

  • Deep Dive: books we have recently DNFd or NRNd

  • The Fountain: we visit our perfect fountain to make wishes about our reading lives

Show notes are time-stamped below for your convenience. Read the\\xa0transcript of the episode (this link only works on the main site)






:10 - Bite Size Intro

:57 - Half Priced Books

1:26 - Our Bookish Moments of the Week

1:41 - Talking Scared Podcast

1:48 - Tea & Murder Podcast

4:01 - PangoBooks

4:28 - Bookmans

5:34 - Our Current Reads

6:03 - Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis (Meredith)

7:33 - An Unlikely Story

9:11 - Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree

9:26 - What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

9:57 - Fabled Bookshop

9:58 - Bear Necessity by James Gold-Bourn (Kaytee)

13:38 - The Field Guide To Dumb Birds of the Whole World by Matt Kracht (Meredith)

14:34 - Merlin App

14:55 - The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan

13:48 - Charter Books

17:48 - The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America by Matt Kracht

19:52 - The Rhythm of Time by Questlove and S.A. Cosby (Kaytee)

23:47 - The Jigsaw Man by Nadine Matheson (Meredith)

24:59 - The Fourth Monkey by J.D. Barker

27:14 - @bookishbetsie on Instagram

27:44 - Happiness Falls by Angie Kim (Kaytee)

28:06 - Miracle Creek by Angie Kim

32:14 - Our Recent DNFs and NRNs

33:08 - The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff (Meredith)

34:12 - Jade City by Fonda Lee (Kaytee)

36:37 - The Wolf at the Table by Adam Rapp (Meredith)

38:29 - Sunshine, Sangria and Scandal by Wendy Day (Kaytee)

40:19 - Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

40:44 - The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (Meredith, Wheel of Time series #2)

41:27 - Echo by Thomas Olde Heuvelt (Meredith)

43:16 - Keynan Masters and the Peerless Magic Crew by Davaun Sanders (Kaytee)

44:45 - Happiness Falls by Angie Kim

46:25 - Meet Us At The Fountain

47:16 - I wish there was an easier way to find trusted sources\\u2019 reviews on Goodreads. (Meredith)

48:42 - Meredith\\u2019s Goodreads\\xa0

49:02 - I wish to reject the notion that more books equals a better reading life. (Kaytee)

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